Bane of Darkness
Scribe's Note

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09-22-01 Thank you, Friends of the USA.

A Tear For Our Beloved Lost Friends

Tuesday, September 11th the United States was dealt a blow by terrorist who have, in their typical and cowardly fassion, refused to identify themselves.

The United States carries a proud international presence offering a helping hand to our allies and the stern force of our millitary and cunning politics against our enemies. This has granted The States little appreciation by many and the absolute hatred of these ellusive and cowardly enemies.

The EverQuest community has proven itself to carry the full spectrum of people, cultures, and political opinions. This diversity, while sometimes nationally and culturally adversarial, offers the strength of understanding. Each of us has in the past two years made many friends who we have never and may never see in person. We share a love of humanity and life despite the seemingly violent, racially biased, and religiously biased natures of our online personas.

I would like to offer a word of thanks for any support received from our international friends on the EverQuest servers. Your thoughts and prayers are felt in our hearts and will always be present in our minds.

Our online presence offers us the chance to cross political boundaries and offer our opinions and feelings aside from our respective countries propoganda (and yes I mean my beloved United States as well).

To our international friends, I offer this. Please know that this war, now called a crusade, is not motivated of politics, culture, or religion but against the cowardly and international forces of terrorism which transcend political and cultural boundries. As an American I have been working hard to remind myself of this every day of the past week. The United States need your thoughts and words of support.

America has recognized a formidible foe. They move against the world's unsuspecting, unarmed civilians. They wear no uniform and swear loyalty to those who would abandon them. Their eenmy the working people whose contribution to the world helps to create prosperity. Our foe only works to destory our sence of peace and prosperity, driven by hunger and hatred. The acts of terrorism can NOT be tollerated. We offer them a well trained and disciplined millitary. Men and women who have sworn an oath of loyalty with their lives as collateral. The coward terrorist move quickly to hide themselves from this force in fleeing from their cities. Abandoning their commrades within their own borders as they abandoned their commrades who died for their cause on Tuesday.

America is closing its time of mourning and is moving forward as a force against terrorism. We are riteous in our cause and will prove with the mighty force of all our resources that these acts will NOT be tollerated. We have enjoyed a time of prosperity. Times are to become very difficult for each of us. We will loose some of our basic freedoms in our security efforts. A time of war should never be comfortable for its participants. As Americans we should remember that our brothers and sisters abroad offer their lives for this cause. The sacrifices seen in our daily lives should be met with maturity and the rememberance of the lost souls of Tuesday's tradgedy and those of our millitary.

My message carries a word of contempt for a cowardly enemy which hides behind a veil of ambiguity. In this light I will not prove to be hipocritical in hiding behind my own ambiguous online identity.

I close in again asking for the support and love of our international online friends. You have our love and thanks. A combined international effort can hopefully bring any need for millitary actions to rapid closure.

Thank you friends,
Ryan Bradley,
Baneer Kur-Gal


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